3 Tips for Leasing a Restaurant Space– EATS Broker

Tips for leasing a restaurant.

3 Tips for Leasing a Restaurant Space Restaurant leases can be complex and involve negotiations on some very important details to a lease. In general, restaurant commercial leases are generally much longer than a typical residential lease. The restaurant tenant is making a much larger financial commitment. Regardless of whether you are an experienced restaurateur, […]

What is the best time to sell a restaurant?

Best time to sell a restaurant

Timing is defined as the choice, judgment, or control of when something should be done. Most Realtors would tell you the best time to sell a house at its highest price point would be May-August. What is the best time to sell a restaurant? EATS Broker would tell you January is the best time to […]

4 Reasons Why Fast-Casual Restaurants are Growing

Sell a restaurant

Reasons why Fast-Casual Restaurants are growing can be attributed to a number of factors. When you think of a Fast-Casual Restaurant what is the first thought that comes to your mind? Why are Fast-Casual Restaurants Growing? Most people have an idea but don’t know how a Fast-Casual Restaurant is defined. Ask a person to name […]

Should I Sell my Restaurant?

Should I sell a restaurant

Every Restaurant Owner has asked the question to themselves, “Should I Sell My Restaurant” at one time or another. It takes a certain person and mindset to want to own a restaurant, and an even smaller set of people have an exit strategy to sell a restaurant when the time is needed. Restaurant Ownership is […]

5 Reason’s I can’t sell my Restaurant.

Reasons restaurant can't sell.

EATS Broker are involved with multiple Professional Organizations that are created to educate Restaurant Business Brokers. I recently attended a Georgia Association of Business Brokers Spring Conference. The topic that got my interest was the Difficulties Seller’s Encounter when trying to sell a business or restaurant. 80% of Business Owners don’t know the value of […]

What is a Restaurant Broker?

What is a restaurant broker?

People ask me all the time What is a Restaurant Broker? Restaurant Brokers are specialists trained to facilitate a restaurant transaction between sellers and buyers. On a daily basis Restaurant Brokers are working with professionals in the Restaurant Industry. Some Restaurant Brokers know the financials of a business better than the restaurant owners due to […]