Best time to sell a restaurant

Best time to sell a restaurant

The best time to sell a restaurant is January through April. During this time, Restaurant Brokers see an increase in buyer inquiries. A new year brings new buyers to the market to buy a restaurant; buyers are looking for deals. The slowest times of year to sell a restaurant are May-July and November-December. It’s like putting a house on the market; buyer demand is higher during certain months.

The best time to sell a restaurant is when it’s most profitable, to get the highest sales price possible. If the business is not profitable or shows little profit, January-April are still great months to sell a restaurant business.

Why does the Restaurant at EATS Broker say January-April is the best months sell a restaurant?

New Restaurant Buyer Prospective (First-time buyers)

-Has always wanted to own a restaurant and start the new year with restaurant ownership.

-Buying at the beginning of the year provides a fresh start for the new year

-Want to take ownership of lifestyle

Restaurant Owner or Seasoned Restaurant Industry Individual

-Opportunity to expand the concept

-Finished year-end activity, has time to focus on growth

-Find great deals at the beginning of the year on second-generation lease space

The Dallas Restaurant Broker Dominique Maddox says, “When selling a restaurant, the right season to list on the market can make a difference. The beginning of the year is a busy time in Restaurant Brokerage. The beginning of the new year is a great time to get a restaurant valuation.”

If you think, “I need to sell my restaurant business,” now is the time to list your restaurant for sale while it’s buying season.

 Working with an experienced restaurant broker can help sellers successfully sell a restaurant. Let me know if you need help with your next restaurant transaction!

For more information on the restaurant market and other available consulting services or a complimentary restaurant valuation, contact Restaurant Business Broker Dominique Maddox at 404-993-4448 or email at [email protected]. Visit our website at