EATS Broker joins the Expert Panel Discussion

EATS Broker participated in the highly informative Expert Panel Discussion at the Georgia Association of Business Brokers (GABB) May General Meeting. The panel, consisting of seasoned Business Brokers, shared best practices and answered commonly asked questions about business brokerage. The event was designed to allow new and experienced business brokers to ask seasoned brokers questions […]
Restaurant Owner do you know the lease terms

Ask a Restaurant Owner if you know the lease terms of your restaurant. The common answer will be, “Yes, I signed the lease agreement and have a copy. The Restaurant Business Broker estimates that after selling restaurants for 11 years, only about 25% of restaurant owners actually know the critical dates of the lease agreement […]
EATS Broker sells Gabriel’s in Santa FE, New Mexico
Restaurant Broker Dominique Maddox of EATS Broker sells Gabriel’s located at 4 Banana Ln, Santa Fe, New Mexico. EATS Broker represented the seller and buyer in the transaction. The new buyers are excited about the opportunity. The buyers bring a wealth of knowledge coming from a restaurant background. They plan to keep the concept the […]
EATS Broker sells a Dickey’s Barbecue Pit in Fayetteville, Georgia
Dominique Maddox of EATS Broker sells a Dickey’s Barbecue Pit in Fayetteville, Georgia. EATS Broker represented the seller and buyer. The seller owned the business for only nine months before realizing they wanted to move on from the restaurant industry. The new owner plans to continue the same operations and increase catering orders. This established […]
Selling a restaurant? What does the buyer pay for?
When selling a restaurant, most sellers don’t know what the buyer pays for at the closing table besides the listing price. Outside of the listing price, several additional fees should be negotiated upfront between the buyer and restaurant seller. Restaurant Business Brokers are trained to know the typical components of the fees associated with selling […]
4 Tips for a Successful Restaurant Sale
EATS Broker provides 4 Tips for a Successful Restaurant Sale in 2024 to any restaurant owner considering selling a restaurant. Selling a restaurant can be challenging, with only 30%-40% of restaurants listed for sale selling. Selling a restaurant in 2024 comes down to careful planning and execution. The Restaurant Business Broker provides tips to ensure […]
Selling a Restaurant? Are you ready
When selling a restaurant, owners can make several mistakes that impact the experience. Restaurant Business Brokers sell multiple restaurants a year, while most restaurant owners will only experience selling a restaurant once in their lifetime. Understanding the resale process of restaurants takes years of experience. When selling a restaurant, business owners should prepare mentally for […]
What is the best time to sell a restaurant?
The best time to sell a restaurant can depend on various factors outside the Restaurant seller’s control. The elements can include specific circumstances of the restaurant business, market conditions, and your personal goals. The Restaurant Broker at EATS Broker provides some considerations to help you determine the optimal time to sell a restaurant: Financial Performance […]
Thinking about selling a restaurant
When restaurant owners are thinking about selling a restaurant, it’s essential to approach the process thoughtfully and strategically. Every Restaurant owner has a different story about why they want to sell a restaurant, but some things are expected. The restaurant business broker at EATS Broker provides steps to consider when thinking about selling your restaurant: […]