Thinking about selling a restaurant?
What should you know today if you are thinking about selling a restaurant? The restaurant resale market has drastically changed from January 2020 to now. The Covid-19 pandemic has reset the restaurant market for available restaurant lease spaces, restaurant price valuations, and increased buyer’s negotiating power. Dominique Maddox a Restaurant Broker and Founder of EATS […]
How can I sell my restaurant fast?
Every restaurant owner wants to know, how can I sell my restaurant fast? The art of selling a restaurant is different than selling a residential home. The element they have in common is both a restaurant and a home need preparation before hitting the market for sale. When selling a home, you can usually expect […]
What are the Benefits of Buying an Existing Restaurant?
The million-dollar question for buyers should be,” what are the benefits of buying an existing restaurant”? The Restaurant Industry has a high failure rate, around 60 percent of new restaurants fail within the first year. And nearly 80 percent shutter before their fifth anniversary according to Knowing these tremendous odds of failure, there are […]
Why do I need to show proof of funds
Did you know the statement “proof of funds” is not in the Merriam Webster dictionary? This information is interesting because the words, “proof of funds” are used daily in the Business Brokerage world. Proof of Funds (POF) demonstrates how much money a person or entity has available in liquid assets. When purchasing a restaurant, you […]
3 Types of Buyers after Covid-19
EATS Broker talks to 3 Types of Buyers after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak about buying a restaurant. The conversations we had before Covid-19 were much different than the conversations now. Today’s conversations come with a collection of unknown factors. Today’s market is buzzing with a large number of buyers and sellers entering the market. Some […]
Issues for Business Brokers after Covid-19
EATS Broker attended the Georgia Association of Business Brokers (GABB) Spring Conference last month. The conference was to educated Business Brokers about the issues for Business Brokers conducting sales transactions after Covid-19 depending on if they represent the buyer, seller, or both. The biggest take-away for EATS Restaurant Brokers was the different issues a Seller’s […]
SBA Bank Lending for a Restaurant
SBA Bank Lending approval for a restaurant can be a challenging task to qualify for a buyer and can make the difference of a restaurant selling or not selling. Restaurants for sale that qualify for SBA lending on the market today are far less in numbers than buyers. The restaurants that sell for the highest […]
Steps to Start a Business
American Business is overwhelmingly Small Business According to data from the Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs. There are 5.6 million employer firms in the United States and 89% have fewer than 20 workers. The Steps to Start a Business can be challenging and time consuming for potential entrepreneurs. While doing my research I decided […]
What Should Your Business Broker know about your business?
If you’ve reached the point where you’d like to sell your business, odds are you’ll want to engage a business broker to help you through the process. The relationship between a Business Broker and seller is a key element to getting a business or restaurant sold. As a seller, a broker can help you streamline […]