Commercial Lease is it an Asset or Liability?
Your current commercial lease is it an Asset or Liability? Most Restaurant Owners find a restaurant for lease and sign a commercial lease before they open their restaurant unless they are buying the building. The sad truth is that a large number of restaurant owners never really read the lease they signed, don’t understand the […]
Dominique Maddox of EATS Broker Sells CANS Taqueria
Dominique Maddox of EATS Broker Sells CANS Taqueria located at 12635 Crabapple Rd. Milton, GA 30004 Dominique Maddox of EATS Restaurant Brokers Sells CANS Taqueria located at 12635 Crabapple Rd. Milton, GA 30004. EATS Broker represented buyer and seller. The buyer’s family owns the following successful restaurants in Alpharetta, Southern Porch, Mercantile Social, and Flatlands […]
SBA Bank Lending for a Restaurant
SBA Bank Lending approval for a restaurant can be a challenging task to qualify for a buyer and can make the difference of a restaurant selling or not selling. Restaurants for sale that qualify for SBA lending on the market today are far less in numbers than buyers. The restaurants that sell for the highest […]
Restaurant Industry effect on everyday life!
The Restaurant Industry has a profound and impacting effect on our everyday lives. Everyone has a story about a restaurant, it could be where they worked, 1st date, prom date, celebration dinner, or many other reasons. I believe I have one of the best careers in the world as a Restaurant Broker, I work with […]
Should I Sell my Restaurant?
Every Restaurant Owner has asked the question to themselves, “Should I Sell My Restaurant” at one time or another. It takes a certain person and mindset to want to own a restaurant, and an even smaller set of people have an exit strategy to sell a restaurant when the time is needed. Restaurant Ownership is […]