Understanding Add Backs when Selling a Restaurant
Understanding Add Backs when Selling a Restaurant can be difficult for inexperienced restaurant buyers and restaurant sellers to understand. The real value is more than just the bottom net profit number on the profit and loss statements and tax returns. When it’s time to sell a restaurant, how do you know what to add […]
Virtual Brands do they work for restaurant owners?
By now, most people have heard about Ghost Kitchens and Virtual Brands, do they work? Virtual Brands are restaurant concepts that are online-only brands that offer pickup and delivery. Virtual Brands help restaurant owners create multiple brands to represent its existing menu. Restaurant owners have complained about third-party platforms only allowing restaurants to choose a […]
Thinking about selling a restaurant?
What should you know today if you are thinking about selling a restaurant? The restaurant resale market has drastically changed from January 2020 to now. The Covid-19 pandemic has reset the restaurant market for available restaurant lease spaces, restaurant price valuations, and increased buyer’s negotiating power. Dominique Maddox a Restaurant Broker and Founder of EATS […]
3 Types of Buyers after Covid-19
EATS Broker talks to 3 Types of Buyers after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak about buying a restaurant. The conversations we had before Covid-19 were much different than the conversations now. Today’s conversations come with a collection of unknown factors. Today’s market is buzzing with a large number of buyers and sellers entering the market. Some […]
Commercial Lease is it an Asset or Liability?
Your current commercial lease is it an Asset or Liability? Most Restaurant Owners find a restaurant for lease and sign a commercial lease before they open their restaurant unless they are buying the building. The sad truth is that a large number of restaurant owners never really read the lease they signed, don’t understand the […]
How does Covid-19 affect Restaurant Valuations?
Everybody has a unique story about how the coronavirus crisis has affected their lives. During my alone time I have thought about how does Covid-19 affect Restaurant Valuations moving forward? My personal story as a Restaurant Broker is that I was scheduled to close my 1st deal with my brokerage EATS Restaurant Brokers in March […]
3 differences between Business vs Real Estate Brokerage
Most would agree when it’s time for you to buy a home you look for a real estate broker. When you are considering to sell or buy a business, with or without real estate attached, you look for a business broker or if you are selling or buying a restaurant find a Restaurant Broker. Both […]
Restaurant Industry effect on everyday life!
The Restaurant Industry has a profound and impacting effect on our everyday lives. Everyone has a story about a restaurant, it could be where they worked, 1st date, prom date, celebration dinner, or many other reasons. I believe I have one of the best careers in the world as a Restaurant Broker, I work with […]
3 Tips for Leasing a Restaurant Space– EATS Broker
3 Tips for Leasing a Restaurant Space Restaurant leases can be complex and involve negotiations on some very important details to a lease. In general, restaurant commercial leases are generally much longer than a typical residential lease. The restaurant tenant is making a much larger financial commitment. Regardless of whether you are an experienced restaurateur, […]