Thinking about Selling a Restaurant?

Selling a restaurant

Do you have an exit plan when it’s time to sell? Thinking about selling a restaurant is only the beginning of a process that can take 6-12 months to complete. Preparing a restaurant properly before hitting the sales market can make the difference between, receiving a solid offer from a buyer or selling at a […]

How should I sell my Restaurant?

How should I sell my restaurant

How should I sell my restaurant is a question most restaurant owners will have to deal with before exiting their business.  Similar to residential real estate owners, restaurant owners have multiple options to choose from. Each option has pros and cons, but which one is actually better? Today’s internet has tons of information on selling […]

What are the Benefits of Buying an Existing Restaurant?

Restaurant Valuation

The million-dollar question for buyers should be,” what are the benefits of buying an existing restaurant”? The Restaurant Industry has a high failure rate, around 60 percent of new restaurants fail within the first year. And nearly 80 percent shutter before their fifth anniversary according to Knowing these tremendous odds of failure, there are […]

3 differences between Business vs Real Estate Brokerage

Restaurant Business Broker

Most would agree when it’s time for you to buy a home you look for a real estate broker. When you are considering to sell or buy a business, with or without real estate attached, you look for a business broker or if you are selling or buying a restaurant find a Restaurant Broker. Both […]

4 Reasons Why Fast-Casual Restaurants are Growing

Sell a restaurant

Reasons why Fast-Casual Restaurants are growing can be attributed to a number of factors. When you think of a Fast-Casual Restaurant what is the first thought that comes to your mind? Why are Fast-Casual Restaurants Growing? Most people have an idea but don’t know how a Fast-Casual Restaurant is defined. Ask a person to name […]