3 differences between Business vs Real Estate Brokerage
Most would agree when it’s time for you to buy a home you look for a real estate broker. When you are considering to sell or buy a business, with or without real estate attached, you look for a business broker or if you are selling or buying a restaurant find a Restaurant Broker. Both […]
Restaurant Industry effect on everyday life!
The Restaurant Industry has a profound and impacting effect on our everyday lives. Everyone has a story about a restaurant, it could be where they worked, 1st date, prom date, celebration dinner, or many other reasons. I believe I have one of the best careers in the world as a Restaurant Broker, I work with […]
3 Tips for Leasing a Restaurant Space– EATS Broker
3 Tips for Leasing a Restaurant Space Restaurant leases can be complex and involve negotiations on some very important details to a lease. In general, restaurant commercial leases are generally much longer than a typical residential lease. The restaurant tenant is making a much larger financial commitment. Regardless of whether you are an experienced restaurateur, […]
What is the best time to sell a restaurant?
Timing is defined as the choice, judgment, or control of when something should be done. Most Realtors would tell you the best time to sell a house at its highest price point would be May-August. What is the best time to sell a restaurant? EATS Broker would tell you January is the best time to […]